This month we will continue working on phonics ( our letter sounds) and recognizing numbers 1-20. Sometimes children are great at counting but if you ask them where is the number 3 they have a hard time. Please take time to reinforce this concept at home by making flash cards for them and call out numbers for them to point too.
We will be learning all about Owls and getting ready for Halloween. On Thursday, October 30th we will have our 4th annual Halloween Party with fun activities. We will have a sign up sheet to bring goodies. We want all the students to bring their costumes in a plastic bag with their name on it. After snack we will help them put them on. Parents are welcome to come and join us for the fun.
Thank you so much for your support. We are so lucky to have the best children at Busy Bee Academy and the greatest parents. We love your children and want them to feel happy and sucessful at school. Please let us know how we can better serve your child's needs.
Ms. Brooke and Ms. Amy