Thursday, August 28, 2008


We are so excited about Busy Bee Academy this year.  We have lots of new fun friends joining us.  Our first day of school will be lots of fun.  Come ready to learn, meet new friends and play. Ms. Amy and I are working to get everything ready for you.  Don't forget to bring  a change of clothes in a ziplock bag with your name on it to keep in your cubbie.  Also bring your mom, dad or someone special for the first 20 minutes.  We will have them do some fun activities with you to get you started.  Then we will read a story together and it will be time for parents to leave.  But don't worry they will come back after you have had fun. I can't wait to see you.
                                                                           Ms. Brooke

1 comment:

Bryce Gardner said...

I am so excited for the first day of school!